The 23rd Annual Youth/Novice Fall Shoot on Provincial Hunting Day was another huge success.
The event, which is held at AHEIA’s Calgary Firearms Centre at DeWinton, featured over 150 students at the all-day event for some fun with guns. More than 20 dedicated mentor/leaders helped make the day safe and successful, including Pheasants Forever volunteers and directors.
First timers are taught safety first and then are coached for skill on the trap, skeet and sporting clay fields. Instruction is given on various hunting techniques, archery and other outdoor pursuits. All of the shells and firearms are free of charge and attendees were provided a complimentary lunch.
It is a special day for the attendees and the volunteer-leaders are rewarded with the smiles of all the young folks that just shot their first targets – a day in their life they will likely never forget.
Pheasants Forever Calgary and Alberta Conservation Association are proud sponsors of the annual gathering. Special thanks to Bob Gruszecki for his leadership in making the whole event safe and fun for all attendees.
Pheasants Forever is a proud sponsor of the annual event.